Sunday, June 26, 2011

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"That good you take me to 4 detention room!" Chen said. Now is not the time to early as soon as possible, they say if they with baldheaded agreed to report immediately XuBai let country is ready to arrange some things. If they don't agree with or what does not want to go to that they will be transferred to detention special room won't let them out until this thing has not affected again let them with other

The prisoner together.
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Because like the prisoners have been sitting head of state prison conditions of life is also considering that agreed to let go, Chen said.

Two guard came YangGuiYue handover with some things, Chen and YangGuiYue after said: "there's a little dirty you wait here I don't let other people come over." They are now in front of the corridor over there is 4 custody. End

"Good" YangGuiYue nodded. She also know some things she is not to hear even if she is a tiger hall to observe discipline. Players

With the two prison guards, Chen to 4 detention room for here or remember Chen. Came to the door of room number four detention of a prison guard, Chen said: "the leadership you determine whether a person go in? It is some of the very poor evil we fear you may be dangerous."

"It's nothing you let me go in!" Chen said: "another serious without my allow anyone can't near here or uniform by high treason processing. You back to just of the female leadership there."

"Is" two co's quickly replied.

The door opened, Chen went in that the door shut up and immediately. Hear the two Chen co's footsteps by nearly to far knows that they have not in here.

Chen looked up now here or the same twenty or so people in the CARDS to play CARDS to play mahjong's playing mahjong smoke chat chat and the smoke of lying in bed to massage as a leisure room when he comes here is also such a sight.

"Baldheaded at?" Chen said loudly. Although the sound pretty big, Chen call but the prisoners are in high spirits to make their own thing not there what people hear.

Next to a prisoner heard he turned his head to see a Chen inside call way: "baldheaded boss someone to see you!" Say that finish the prisoner, Chen no matter....... It seems they this place often someone to look for person work so they also inured to the weird.

"Mama of is who seek me? Is he's itching?????? Let me put in!" Inside of the crowd

Inside drill out a bare head. He seems to be trying to do something so he just turned around the body is still in action.louis vuitton handbags

Chen leng once see baldheaded like is inserted in the who?????? God he just to see FangCuiYu soon with FengYun gay lens did not think of to 4 detention room and see baldheaded with other male prisoners. "Baldheaded you did not m I have something for you". Chen see these energy excess man no estimate?????? Playing with them is to play his pistol.

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