Monday, June 20, 2011

God's answer louis vuitton

Tom is an orphan. Christmas 2003, he's in California in the west of the orphanage wrote a letter to god: god hello!You know I am a good boy, but yesterday, you gave harry a father and a mother, and you even a aunt have not to give me. It's unfair. -Tom  jaylonsn blogspot blog

The letter, written is "god close rev." letter, was finally turned to dr theology, Mr. Bonnie there row, he is the "Christian science monitor news" for god letter special charge freelance editor. Dr. Tom letter read immediately see, harry was adopted, and Tom: no, he's still was left in an orphanage.
How to reply to Tom? Dr. Bonnie, row to Tom back so a letter: dear, I don't expect you to Tom now read this letter, but I still want to tell you now, god is always fair. If you think I didn't give you mom and dad, is I inequality, and it makes me feel sorry.

I want to tell you, my fair is free to human supply the three things: life, faith and goals. Do you know? Each one of you life is get free. So far, I didn't let any one person in the death of his life for paid a penny. Faith and life goals and same, also be I provide free to you, whether you are a prince or a pauper, want to have them as long as I keep you own. The children, let the life, faith and target become free stuff, this is my fair in in the world is, and also is the biggest wisdom I as god. I hope one day, you can understand. -your god

The letter was later published in the Christian science monitor newspaper, be as god's most famous fair monologue, also make many people first really understanding the god. kawayi4m livedoor blog

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